Heart Rate Training Zones with Stef Fucci
Saturday, February 8th | 9:15AM in the Cycle Studio
Take your workouts to the next level by mastering heart rate training! In this engaging session, you’ll learn the different heart rate training zones and the difference between each “zone”. Your goal will dictate which training zone should be utilized. Game changer when you have a heart rate monitor on!
Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out, this workshop will empower you to train smarter, not harder. Don’t miss it!
Bring your heart rate monitor if you have one!
Sign up using the Club Fit app to guarantee a bike!
Members can sign up through the app
Non-Members: $20
Additional Details
Contact Name - Ann Palmadesso
Contact Email - apalmadesso@clubfit.com
Contact Phone - (914) 250-2733