Br: (914) 762-3444 | JV: (914) 245-4040
Home Events - Club Fit Vinyasa Deconstructed – Learning how Vinyasa flows, demystifying language and cues – Lynn Culbertson


May 20 2024


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Paid programming,
Registration Required

Vinyasa Deconstructed – Learning how Vinyasa flows, demystifying language and cues – Lynn Culbertson

Vinyasa Deconstructed: Learning how vinyasa flows, demystifying language and cues.

This workshop will help long time yogis and those new to yoga learn what vinyasa is all about. We will break down the sequences, learn some common cues and sometimes confusing language of Yoga. We will cover correct alignment for some of the most frequently used poses for safety and effectiveness. We will break down the transitions to better understand the role of the breath and make the transitions a little easier for everyBODY. Yoga is a lifelong journey whether you have been practicing for 1 minute or 100 years there is always more to learn.


Monday May 20th 6:30PM-8:30PM Studio 3

$25 members / $35 non-members

The event is finished.